I got caught in an email exchange with a person that at first sounded legit, but actually lead me to a payment scam website. The tipping point was when she said something about going to her picture on SaferWayToFriendsFinders.com, where you have to make a payment to access more information about her, for her safety of course. The girl is willing to send a photo of herself half-naked but not comfortable sharing a phone number with just anyone because “there are a lot of perverts out there”. If she is so concerned, why not ask the guy for his phone number and block her caller ID information from appearing on his phone? If you are asked to click on some link to a site that needs your credit card number to verify your age – it’s always a scam, no exceptions. These are scams mainly on online dating/webcam sites that are nothing but scams to charge your credit card. What happens if you are a member of one verification site but the person who responds to your ad requests that you join some other verification site? You would have to join thousands of verification sites since these women won’t accept the verification from another site. Of course you should never enter your credit card details in one of these sites. Hopefully, what you can take away is to recognize the pattern early. No legitimate person is going to ask you to sign up for a website to verify yourself. As soon as that happens just move on. Guys, don’t fall for this trap! The site is completely bogus and is designed to illicit a payment from you. If they ask you to join a site to talk to them, any website at all, in any way, shape, or form, real or imagined, it’s a scam. Yes, I do mean all of them. Yes, I mean all of the time. This site is used to rip off guys who believe they are getting verified, which is not the case. … read more >