Review is it Legit or a Scam?

The most common scams are safe dating websites. An alleged girl will email you saying she’s interested, but that because of the Craigslist-based serial killers and rapists in the news, she needs some extra security that you are safe. Any girl that asks to verify your age using a credit card verification is not really a girl. Girls look for your facebook page, they try and do name searches to see if you are who you say you are. They do not ask for you to enter a credit card into a verification site to proof your age. The majority of easy-girl ads on Craigs casual sex section are posted by jerks hustling for money. Only a few of the ads are in fact legitimate women looking for hookups. These type of sites are often used to capture personally identifiable information, including credit card numbers, addresses and phone numbers. Online dating scam sites like using unreal personal ads are all over the place in the world of Online Dating. If someone is so paranoid that they demand someone go to a verification site to prove that they are 18 years old or older, unmarried, and not a sex offender then they must be crazy or not a real person? If they are so concerned about meeting perverts on the Internet, maybe they should stick to meeting people offline? Any woman that asks to verify your age using a credit card verification is not really a girl. Girls ask for your facebook or instagram page, they try to do name searches to see if you are who you say you are. They do not ask for you to enter a credit card into a verification site to show your age. This site is used to rip off guys who believe they are getting verified, which is not the case. … read more >